Category Health & Wellness

What are Mobility Scooters?

Mobility scooters are transport aids for people with disabilities or mobility problems. These are battery-powered devices and consist of three or four wheels, a comfortable seat, a handlebar and foot plates. The batteries are charged using an electric power source.…

What is a Stair Lift?

A stair lift (also chair lift) is a motorized device used to carry people up and down a staircase. It enables people with limited mobility to use the stairs with ease. The device consists of a chair, backrest, two armrests…

What causes constipation

Constipation means infrequent or difficult bowel movements. Most people experience occasional problems with normal bowel movements. But if constipation lasts for weeks and months on end, it is termed as chronic. Symptoms of constipation have 1-2 bowel movements in a…