Things to consider before buying a shower chair for elderly

Taking a shower or a bath should be a pleasant and relaxing experience. But for the elderly, it might be stressful, risky, and full of discomfort. Bathroom injuries are a common occurrence among seniors.

One can reduce the risk of bathroom injuries by using shower chairs for the elderly. Shower chairs and shower stools provide support and help ensure safety in the bathroom.

Tips for choosing shower chairs for the elderly
With the wide range of shower stools and chairs available in the market, selecting the right one can be a task. Here are a few tips for choosing the best-suited shower chair for the elderly.

  • Carefully consider the safety features. Ensure that the shower chair has handles, safety belts, good padding, and non-slip seats.
  • Make sure it has sufficient weight capacity. Shower chairs for the elderly should be able to hold their weight. Check the weight specifications before buying.
  • Choose a shower chair with the right dimensions. Measure your shower or bathtub to ensure that the shower chair or shower stool will fit.
  • If you need the shower stool for long-term use, choose one with plastic seating and frames that are rust-free.

Safety and comfort

  • Safety and comfort should be a priority while choosing shower chairs for the elderly. Choose from trusted brands like Platinum Health. The padded transfer shower chairs foster easy movement and safety.
  • If one uses a walker or wheelchair, choose the heavy-duty transfer bench and shower chair for the elderly by Duro-Med. It also reduces strain for the caretakers.
  • The tub transfer bench by Vive is a good option for people with disabilities and those who need assisted showers. Choose this brand for the elderly who are recovering from injuries or surgeries.

Ease, convenience, and independence

  • Shower chairs and shower stools for the elderly foster independence by enabling them to shower without another person’s assistance.
  • Ensure that the shower chair you buy has easy assembly features. Tool-free assembly saves effort and ensures convenience.
  • There are a variety of shower chairs for the elderly available online as well. Check out the specifications while buying, keeping in mind the specific needs.

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