Maximize mobility with medical walkers

As people age, they probably would consider buying a medical walker. Look for signs that indicate that you or your loved one may need mobility assistance. Medical walkers with wheels are a necessity for people with arthritis. Falls can be a cause of grave injury for the elderly. Walkers with wheels are the perfect mobility aids, which provide comfort and independence and can even save lives! Using a medical walker at home makes managing errands easier for the elderly and keeps them active. These walkers with wheels also ensure utmost safety.

Medical walkers come in a variety of shapes and sizes
You can choose a medical walker depending on health needs and lifestyle.
Standard walkers: Standard walkers are the most popular because they provide maximum support. These walkers need to be lifted to move which requires some upper body strength. Standard medical walkers are not suitable for long trips as it needs lifting for every step.

Rolling walkers: Rolling medical walkers with wheels allow the user to move at a faster pace. These walkers are more convenient as they don’t need to be lifted for each step. Rolling walkers may be less stable than standard medical walkers but are still a good choice. These walkers are perfect for users who need extra support but want free mobility.

Rollators: These are four-wheeled medical walkers. Rollators have breaks for stabilization. These are great for outdoor usage. Many rollators are even equipped with a basket for carrying personal items.

How to use a medical walker
Always ensure that your walker is adjusted well to the right height. When you’re standing upright, your grip should line up with your wrist. Your elbow should bend slightly when you grasp the handles. You should be able to keep your back straight at all times while using the walker. Place the walker in front of you. Put one leg inside it and step forward with the other leg. This makes a complete step. Never use a medical walker on stairs or on an escalator.

Choose your medical walker with wheels wisely. Ensure the right width, height, and weight.

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