What are Patellar Tendon Straps used for

Patellar tendon straps are a type of elastic bandage that is used for reducing pain in the knee. Scientifically speaking, these straps provide support and allays patellar tendon strain that is caused by patellar tendonitis, or in other words, reduces the pain caused by injury to the tissue that connects the kneecap and the shin bone.

The patellar straps are a temporary short-term solution to this usually self-treatable injury. Occurring commonly in individuals who actively participate in sports activities, this could also affect elderly people because of increased wear and tear of the leg and more specifically the knee.

While bracing the knee with the patellar tendon straps to an extent does reduce the swelling, stiffness, and pain, and offers support and stability to the knee. It is also less bulky than conventional braces and is also affordable and easy to purchase and allows a little movement in the knee and leg, and most importantly, can be worn easily without much effort.

The patellar tendon strap secures and cushions the patellar—the small bone in front of the knee joint which is the meeting point of the thighbone and shinbone—and reinforces the kneecap/patella from shifting even as elders bend or straighten their legs. They alter the angle and length of the patellar tendon and thus scales down the pain caused by the strain in the area. Available in multiple sizes with a special adjustable strap that makes it easy to tighten or loosen the strap with one hand, the patellar tendon strap also stays put securely in one place without moving up and down the leg.

However, it must be noted that these elastic straps, the patellar tendon straps, are not a solution to treat the underlying cause of pain, but only alleviates the symptoms of patellar tendonitis. A proper multidimensional approach to care for the affected knees involves a visit to the doctor, following the advice he/she provides, resting the knee, and restoring strength and improving flexibility in the knee with regular exercises.

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