Retirement planning calculator – Calculating annual retirement income and savings

After many years of hard work in the private and government offices, employees start to look forward to the golden years of retirement. If you’re one of them, you know that it is very hard to calculate how much money you need to save or invest for retirement. No worries, for the retirement planning calculator built with high-end features help you figure out the answer to that question.

How to calculate the amount to be saved by using retirement calculators?
To use the retirement planning calculator, it is necessary to enter your date of birth and provide the details of your expected retirement age. Then you have to choose your savings amount and provide details of the post retirement account. After that, you have to calculate the total risk-free retirement income, which the calculator does for you automatically.

You can collect annual income from retirement planning calculator and check how much you can save annually for the retirement. Some benefits of this calculator are:

  • This method is user-friendly.
  • It takes very less time.
  • It provides the exact result of the calculation.
  • It is useful at all times.

This retirement income is based on the expected annual growth and the inflation rate of the retiring year, which is again calculated by the retirement planning calculator.

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