Important points to consider before renting hospital beds

When you or a loved one needs to be confined to bed to recuperate from an illness or injury for a few weeks/months, hospital beds are better suited for this purpose rather than the ordinary furniture beds we use at home. The debate between buying and renting hospital beds is quite extensive. Here are a few pointers that could be considered before a decision is made.

How long is the bed needed? Is the need for a hospital bed only a few days? Or would the need be for some weeks or months? Depending on who needs the hospital bed, whether it is for a patient with a life-threatening condition in their last stages or whether it is for someone who is convalescing from a crucial injury, are some of the questions to be answered.

What is the cost involved? How much does it cost to buy a hospital bed brand new? Depending on the features required there are many types available. From a basic manual hospital bed to a semi or fully electric bed, with simple or high-end features, the options are many, and the prices of these hospital beds vary accordingly. Does the hospital bed need frequent servicing and maintenance? Is reselling it after its use is over, possible? Does your insurance pay for the hospital bed? If it does, does the insurance provider prefer a rental hospital bed or does he recommend purchasing a new one?

Most important of all, is the hospital bed comfortable for the individual using it? How much elevation is possible with the backrests and legs? Are side rails available for keeping the patient safe from falling off? Can the bed be operated independently by elderly patients or those without mobility, without any extraneous help from their family or caregiver? Also, consider these questions before making a decision.

Every patient and the situation they or their family is in is different. It is necessary to remember that a hospital bed is a vital part of the recovery of a patient. So take an informed decision about the purchase or a hospital bed rental.

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