Here’s what you need to know about pre- and post-operative bariatric diet

One of the most commonly asked questions by patients getting their bariatric operation done is what kind of diet would they need to follow or what are the things they must avoid once their bariatric surgery is done. While the bariatric advantage is that you’ll further be living a healthy lifestyle, most of the surgeons often provide their patients with a customized diet plan based on the specific surgery performed on the individual. While preparing this bariatric advantage diet, they keep in mind the individual’s unique health requirements and their lifestyle factors.

Read on to know more about the pre-surgery and post-surgery diets that’ll be suitable and is based on general outlines.

Pre-surgery bariatric diet
The pre-surgery bariatric diet may usually consist of foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Following this type of diet reduces bleeding and helps to reduce the amount of fat in and around your abdomen and liver. It as well promotes healing of the body. Losing your weight before the surgery trains you for the new way of eating post surgery and as well make the procedure a lot safer. Then as your surgery date approaches near you may need to follow a diet that mostly consists liquid or a complete liquid-only diet. Depending on your overall health condition, the doctor may sometimes allow you to consume some solids during this period. Taking appropriate vitamins and nutrients will also be required during this time.

Post-surgery bariatric diet
Your post-surgery bariatric diet will now consist of several stages and how long each stage needs to be followed will be decided by your doctor or your dietician. Here portion control is the key during all of the stages and this habit would turn out to be beneficial for you later on.

Four months post your surgery you can then began eating normally, but the key is to eat healthily. Only then can you gain advantage from this surgery. So beginning from now, prepare your way to what you’ll be consuming for the rest of your life.

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