Here are cell phone plans for seniors from AT&T

Staying in touch with your near and dear ones is something fundamental to every individual. Thanks to the advent of wireless phones and network, keeping in touch has never been easier.

One can now find a variety of cell phones and cell phone plans in the market to suit the various calling, texting, and Internet needs. However, these plans may not be affordable by everyone. It is for the same reason that carriers and government offer schemes so that everyone can enjoy cell phone plans at discounted rates.

Senior citizens are one such segment of the society who is offered discounted cell phone plans. One of the main reasons being that most of these seniors have limited or no income and cannot afford most of the cell phone plans in the market. Several carriers offer special plans for senior citizens that are affordable for them.

One such carrier is AT&T that offers Senior Nation Plan that is specifically designed for senior citizens. Getting AT&T cell phone plans for seniors is free of any hassles and costs $29.99. The plan offers 200 minutes of talk time and an additional 500 minutes of night and weekend talk time. Calls made from these AT&T cell phone plans for seniors are free when used for calling other AT&T numbers. Senior citizens who are 65 years or older are eligible for this plan.

One limitation of this plan is that it can only be used with basic phones and not with any other gadgets like smartphones or tablets.

Some of the features of the best senior cell phone plans of AT&T include voicemail, long distance, and roaming across the United States of America (USA), call waiting, conference calling, call forwarding, and caller ID.

AT&T also has a range of phones and tablets for senior citizens that are available at affordable prices. The phones include both the basic ones and the smartphones.

Visit the AT&T official website to know more about the offers, services, and products designed exclusively for senior citizens.

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