A list of the top 10 retirement plans for you

There are a huge number of retirement plans available out there, and finding the best one for you could prove to be a difficult task. However, it isn’t necessary to invest in a single plan. You can invest in more than one. Below we provide you with a list of top 10 retirement plans:

1. Pension: Though not an available option for each one of us, the funds in this prospect are more professionally managed, and all you have to do is to stick with your job until the end.

2. Defined Contribution Plans: According to experts, this one is the most advantageous retirement plan. Here you have the option to choose whichever plan you want, according to your preference.

3. Roth IRAs: The Roth IRA is among the top 10 retirement plans where you enjoy the benefits of a tax-free withdrawal as well as growth.

4. Traditional IRAs: In this plan, one has to put in savings from his own salary.

5. SEP IRAs: This is one of the top 10 retirement plans that are for self-employed people.

6. Nonqualified Deferred Contribution Plans: Investing in this retirement plan, you need not worry about tax cost cutting for a year or so.

7. Guaranteed Income Annuities: Guaranteed income for the future and a great investment today makes it one of the top 10 retirement plans.

8. Cash-Value Life Insurance: In this, you invest in a retirement plan and also credit a cash value in insurance.

9. Social Security: People mostly choose this retirement plan after the age of 65.

10. Real Estate: Definitely a retirement plan that cannot be overlooked, this one constitutes the top 10 retirement plans.

These are thetop 10 retirement plans which any business or service professional can invest in for a safe and secure future.

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