Tring Tring can you hear me clearly

Tring Tring: Can you hear me clearly?

A telephone is required to initiate conversations with friends, families and colleagues. But if you are suffering from hearing problems or are hard of hearing, then the conversation part becomes an issue. However, a variety of telephones for hard of hearing have been made available.

Let us discuss a few telephones for hard of hearing people. They consist of:

  1. BT Big Button 200 – This is a phone with a cord which does not require the usage of hands. It has huge buttons and it can be carried around easily while performing other daily chores. It is compatible with a hearing aid and hence you can hear voices crystal clear through a hearing aid. The sound level can also be adjusted to a suitable volume according to you.
  2. BT 4000 Big Button – This is a cordless phone bearing an in-built inductive coupler which again makes the hearing aid feature compatible. This phone also comes with a blocking calls feature to help you avoid unwanted nuisance calls. It has been designed in such a way that people with hearing problems shall make the best use of it as it provides clearer sound.
  3. BT 4500 Big Button– This has similar features like the previous telephones for hard of hearing but has added on facilities like that of a do not disturb and call waiting button. It also flaunts a visual voicemail button which keeps a track of all your messages and a slow playback feature helps you hear the messages at a comfortable pace and suitable volume.
  4. BT 8600 Advanced Call Blocker- This has the feature of allowing blockage of at least 1000 numbers and you can also choose to block such numbers which are international or withheld. This one especially boasts of clearer sound feature and the visual mail features is responsible for checking the number of messages and missed calls you have got.
  5. BT Converse 2100 : This phone is a corded one with distinct buttons for simplified use. This phone is a popular model because it has some extraordinary features. It stores the three most frequently dialed numbers in the quick dial memories feature and has a volume control to take care of your needs.

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