Cheap flight deals for seniors

Often service life does not let us fulfill our dreams of long vacations and traveling the world. The fact that travel expenses in the US are quite heavy on the pockets is quite well known to everybody. However, after so many years of service, senior citizens deserve to visit their dream destinations, but the expenses matter more for them than the working class as these seniors would not have a stable source of income.

So why not opt for cheap flight deals for senior citizens and then splurge the rest on various adventures once you reach your travel destination?

There are limited number of airline companies which offer cheap flight deals for senior citizens, most of which are not generally advertised.

One needs to call the customer care helpline of the specific airline company and ask about their terms and conditions or the age range from which the offers can be availed along with all the important information and guidelines. Some airline companies offer cheap flight deals for seniors but only on some selected routes and that too can be found out by contacting the airline company through a telephonic conversation.

Apart from this, there are other requirements that the airline company puts forth to avail such offers for senior. Some airline companies give concession to senior citizens from the age of 60 onward while some from the age of 65 and above.

Here are some of the airline companies which provide cheap flight deals for seniors:

  1. American Airlines
  2. Southwest Airlines
  3. Air France
  4. United Airlines
  5. Continental Airlines
  6. Delta

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