Variety of Roomba vacuums on discount sale

Are you that busy person who always finds time for making healthy lunches for your kids, taking the dogs for a walk in the park, doing the dishes and laundry, making sure you earn enough money to pay your bills, and save up for the future? Are you that person who, amidst all these chores, finds it a pain to clean up the house? Is your living space a breeding ground for dust, germs and pet hair? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then read on. You are about to discover a magician, or more precisely, a robot, who is soon going to become your best friend.

Yes, iRobot is a company that is passionate about creating robots which can efficiently help in cleaning your homes. Their advanced robot vacuums are an engineering marvel that you will be totally psyched about. Giving you the freedom to do the things you enjoy more than sweeping, mopping and dusting, the discount Roomba vacuums are your partners in a cleaner home.

Here is a list of discount Roomba vacuums on sale:

  • First on our list is the iRobot Roomba 690 Robot Vacuum with Wi-Fi Connectivity. At $268, these bagless robotic vacuum cleaners lets you schedule clean ups from anywhere with the iRobot HOME App. A unique 3-Stage Cleaning System and Dual Multi-Surface Brushes ensure dust and trash of all sizes are picked clean. Multiple sensors give varied instructions to the Roomba – to clean with greater force on difficult and highly dirt prone areas, to move beneath furniture and along carpet edges and wall corners to do a thorough cleaning and to adapt to different floor surfaces.
  • The second discount Roomba to be considered for purchase would be the latest from the iRobot company, the Roomba 980 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. This one has 2 Dual-Mode Virtual Wall Barriers, an Extra Side Brush, a High-Efficiency Filter and smartphone controls like its predecessors. The AeroForce carpet boost draws more dirt from the floors and its intelligent self-docking, and automatic recharging is ideal for lessening human intervention.

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