Importance of conducting pigeon pest control

Unwanted pigeons that decide to roost or nest on your building ledges or balcony require pigeon pest control measures as these birds are hazardous to health. Also referred to as ‘rats with wings,’ pigeons are a major source of disease carriers to humans, and they also damage the property. The uric acid in these birds has a corrosive property that can easily cause extensive damage to any metal or any other substrate that it sits on for longer durations of time. The debris from these problem pigeons that are usually in large flocks often clutters into the drains and gutters leading to roof damage as well as flooding. In a commercial setting, this debris from nesting material and feathers can easily clog up machinery like the rooftop air-conditioning units which render a cozy nesting spot for pigeons.

Some other common problems associated with pigeons include slipping and falling from both debris and feces, as well as the overall unhygienic and smelly environment. Pigeon droppings contain fungal agents, bacteria, and ectoparasites that cause a horde of serious diseases such as salmonella, meningitis, encephalitis, histoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, etc. The pressure to constantly clean and maintain pigeon dwelling sites can prove to be costly as well. Moreover, pigeons breed and require more than usual clean-up for effective maintenance of the buildings. Thus, pigeon pest control is a must.

Apart from the health hazards costs, allowing pigeon infestation can cause serious repair costs to pile up. Pigeons’ stool contains extremely high concentrations of uric acid which has the ability to easily stain wood, crumble concrete and expensive stonework, discolor wood, and erode metal. To clean this mess, expensive boom lifts and steam hoses have to employed to blast off the mess from the hard-to-reach areas. Records have shown that there are around 60 different know disease that can be easily transmitted from the bacteria, parasites, and fungi that live in the pigeons’ droppings. The mites, ticks, and fleas that attach themselves to the pigeons and get carried around also act as carriers for these diseases. Using simple and regular pigeon pest control can help ward off all these untoward hazards.

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