Different ways to treat metastatic kidney cancer

Living in the 21st Century, cancer is still a curse upon humanity as the disease has the potential spreading all over the body causing premature mortality. It is predicted that in the country 1,735,350 new cases of cancer will be detected in which 63,340 cases will be related to kidney cancer in 2018. Moreover, lifetime risk of kidney cancer among men is 1 in 48 and among women is 1 in 83.

When a carcinogenic cell modifies itself to the tissue environment far away from the main tumor, metastasis cancer is spread. The characteristics of the metastasis cancer remain as that of the main tumor; however, the cells do not gain the traits of the organ it has spread. Cancer originated in the kidney advancing in other parts of the body, named as metastatic kidney cancer.

Treatment for metastatic kidney cancer
If the kidney cancer advances gradually and starts affecting the whole body function, undertaking the measures for metastatic kidney cancer treatment can be hard as only few treatment procedures have seen the positive result. Apart from chemotherapy, oncologists of various health centers including Cleveland Clinic and UCLA Medical Center have come up with other advanced metastatic kidney cancer treatments reducing the growth of carcinogenic cells in various parts of the body.

Johns Hopkins Hospital ensures that targeted therapy is effective when chemo medicines no longer show positive results. For metastatic kidney cancer treatment, neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapies are seen to be helpful in curing people and reducing risks of worsening health in future. Mayo Clinic indicates that the immunotherapy increases the immunity of the body fighting against the kidney cancer.

The advanced metastatic kidney cancer treatments undertaken by Cancer Treatment Centers of America are showing light using nanotechnology which takes up the primary targeting and sending nanoparticles to various organs. 5-100 nm and >200 nm sized nanoparticles are delivered to affected sites of brain and lungs to reduce the risks of premature death.

Researchers are taking advanced metastatic kidney cancer treatments to another level by bone targeting. However, no particular nanoparticle size has been finalized yet. In the second targeting of cancer cells, using nanotechnology, folate receptor is used in metastatic kidney cancer treatment.

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