You decide to pamper yourself or your family and spend a lot of hard earned money on a not so cheap investment, a hot tub. It would be wise and sensible to invest in a good quality replacement hot tub cover too, to protect it during all those months when it is not in use. Rather than being stingy and going for a cheap one that does more harm than good, spending a little more money to find a replacement hot tub cover from a reputable brand is worth it, to get a better built, longer lasting cover that is designed to save energy. Since hot tubs are generally installed outdoors, a replacement hot tub cover that withstands all seasonal extremes must be chosen. A safe, thick vinyl cover that has mildew inhibitors and UV protection, to protect from mildew, fading or cold crack is fundamental. Also, a good quality CFC-free foam core that is not made from recycled materials and does not let water/snow/ice or any external dust or grime to seep into the hot tub is essential. Further, a hot tub cover fitted with air vents that reduce condensation levels inside the tub is an advantage. For the safety of children and pets, using the highest density foams is advised.
For the best custom made replacement hot tub cover, the first detail to be noted is the shape of your hot tub. Is it a proper square or rectangle, a square or rectangle with rounded corners, a square or rectangle with cut corners, a round one, a one cut corner right, a one cut corner left or a two cut corner hexagon or an octagon? The second detail that is important is the exact dimension of your hot tub in order to ensure the cover fits perfectly over it.
CoverMates, BeyondNice, The Cover Guy and Classic Accessories are four dealers who are professional companies that offer quality products and various thickness of foams to suit your needs and budget. They are open to custom making replacement hot tub covers and provide a solid warranty for their products.