Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, which is more commonly known ADHD is a behavioral problem that can affect people in childhood as well as in adulthood. As the name indicates, the condition does not have any impact on the physical well-being of the patient. That is the reason doctors mostly recommend stimulants for ADHD treatment. Though the stimulants are in accordance with the guidelines issued by FDA, it is not possible to completely rule out the side effects of the ADHD stimulants.
Some of the common side-effects of ADHD stimulants
Both adults and children are prone to the adverse side-effects of the ADHD stimulants. Children get severely affected by the side-effects compared to the adults. To help you understand the adversities, here are some of the common side-effects that are faced by the ADHD patients.
- Irritability, mood swings or moodiness
- Tics
- Rebounding
- Stomach pain, which gets cured on its own
- A severe or a mild headache
- Delay in the growth process (experienced in children only)
- Reduction in the appetite level of adults and children
- Sleep deprivation
Dealing with the side-effects of ADHD stimulants
Before you start to help the patient in dealing with the adverse effects, it is important for you to observe him minutely. Patients suffering from ADHD have different behavioral problems even before the condition is diagnosed or treated. So, you need to determine whether he or she has developed the above-mentioned side-effects after the intake of ADHD stimulants. In most of the cases, the adverse effects are cured within a week. However, if the condition persists for more than a week or two, it is recommended to consult a doctor and check for the dosage.
There are ADHD medical centers that you can seek the treatment for this condition. Do not rely on self-medication as it may worsen the condition. Parents can also consult with the practitioners in Child Mind Institute to help their kids recover the problems of ADHD. You can also visit a reputed practitioner or clinic in your city. You need to follow proper medication to cure the root-cause that leads to this condition.